exhibition and perforrmative reading

poster by Lucia Gerbsch

Catharina Szonn

Laura Mahnke

Nurgül Dursun

Aslı Özdemir
The exhibition "Nachbilder" brings together artists from Hamburg and Frankfurt who take different approaches to questioning the conditions under which we are growing into ourselves.
Together they look into the politics of our relationships: The tenderness, like the violence, we experience in most private ways shapes our ability to form social resonant spaces. How can we come into a relationship with what has shaped us - to reappear as agents in the next step.
Part of the exhibition was a performative reading in which further artists refer to the installation in the three rooms of the Frappant with their recited texts.
Curated by Annika Grabold together with Marie Siewierski
Together they look into the politics of our relationships: The tenderness, like the violence, we experience in most private ways shapes our ability to form social resonant spaces. How can we come into a relationship with what has shaped us - to reappear as agents in the next step.
Part of the exhibition was a performative reading in which further artists refer to the installation in the three rooms of the Frappant with their recited texts.
Curated by Annika Grabold together with Marie Siewierski
With works of: Annika Grabold, Aslı Özdemir, Marie Siewierski and Miriam Steinmacher
and texts of: Nurgül Dursun, Laura Mahnke, Aslı Özdemir and Catharina Szonn
and texts of: Nurgül Dursun, Laura Mahnke, Aslı Özdemir and Catharina Szonn
funded by Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Hamburgerische Kulturstiftung and HFBK Hamburg

room #1

room #1

room #1

room #1

room #2

room #2

room #2

room #2

room #2

room #2

room #3

room #3

room #3

room #3