ich seh' kein Außen

installation view at Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt

installation view diploma

installation view diploma
The pivotal point in this graduation project is the figure of the artist and the question of how the associated notion of identity and related life concepts are functionalised in our society. During my research over the last three years on the discourse of dispositives of self-realisation and the notion of the authentic, I began to contextualise these narratives through queer feminist theories and intersectional critique.
In order to deal with my own uneasiness, which grew more and more towards my profession as an artist, I invited nine fellow artists to reflect with me, first in conversation and then photographically, on their own performativity within their role as artists.
The result are nine (self-)portraits and a lyrical text made of collaged conversation transcripts, realised as a video installation. In addition to the spatial installation, the work also exists in book form - there, among other things, the text is accessible in its entirety, as well as a theoretical thesis

book (fist edition)

book (fist edition)

book (fist edition)

installation view diploma presentation

installation view diploma presentation